
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
How To Be Really Really BIG With Chelsie Diane
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Welcome to Gala Loves Everything, the ultimate guide to becoming a spiritual bad bitch! Today we're graced by the best poetry teacher on the planet, @poemsandpeonies, and we talk -- VERY OPENLY -- about how to be really, really BIG. Like, intimidatingly so. Like, BIG pussy energy, honey.
In this episode, we chat about…
💖 The rules of being really, really big (and what it's truly all about)
💖 The energy of being a well-fucked woman
💖 How to stop outsourcing our decisions and our intuition to friends, partners, family, and even customers
💖 Why it's important to be a "key-dropper"
💖 How to build REAL, true, authentic confidence that absolutely cannot be shaken
💖 How to find the magic in everyTHING and everyONE
💖 Letting go of the pressure we put on our romantic partners to constantly evolve with us at the same rate
💖 …And how to get back in control of your life! (Hint: you have to stop dating that person who disrespects women and magic)
💖 Join Poems and Power! https://www.chelsiediane.com/poemsandpower
🥳 Put your name on the waitlist for High Vibe Honey! highvibehoney.com
🎆 Leave a review of this podcast on iTunes and you’ll get my FREE tapping audio to help you become more orgasmic! (Yes, really!) Just take a screenshot before you submit your review, and email it to my babes: help@highvibehoney.com

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
How To Use Astrology To Live A Hotter Life With Colin Bedell Of Queercosmos
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
Welcome to Gala Loves Everything, the ultimate guide to becoming a spiritual bad bitch! Today I’m talking with one of my besties, Colin Bedell @queercosmos about how we can use astrology to live a better life. Plus, we talk a LOT of (loving) shit about each of the signs, so if you want to get roasted… This is where you need to be!
In this episode, we chat about…
💖 How to use the Universe as your social media manager
💖 The lessons that the signs are here to teach us (and how Cancer’s curriculum is the only ESSENTIAL one)
💖 How we each incorporate astrology, spirituality and ritual in our lives
💖 The highs and lows of each sign (hold onto your girdle!)
💖 The sins of being boring, needing to label yourself and anyone, and how it keeps us stuck and small
💖 …And how EVERYONE needs a Gemini in their life!
💖 Go get a reading from Colin! http://queercosmos.com
🙌 If you’re curious about deepening your tapping practice, get on the Gala Darling Method interest list — we open doors for Fall 2024 very soon! https://galadarling.mykajabi.com/tappingcertification
🥳 Put your name on the waitlist for High Vibe Honey! highvibehoney.com
🎆 Leave a review of this podcast on iTunes and you’ll get my FREE tapping audio to help you become more orgasmic! (Yes, really!) Just take a screenshot before you submit your review, and email it to my babes: help@highvibehoney.com

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Welcome to Gala Loves Everything, the ultimate guide to becoming a spiritual bad bitch! Today I’m talking about the fact that YOU DON'T NEED TO HAVE CHILDREN because phew, the pressure is real!
In this episode, I talk about…
💖 How you should never ever do something because you think “that’s just what people do” — because the vast majority people aren’t happy or fulfilled! And why would you want to be like them?!
💖 How it is not your job to make other people happy... And how sometimes figuring out what makes YOU happy can feel scarier
💖 What my life looks like as a 40 year old without children
💖 And how my father told me I could do "better things with my time"... And I agree!
🙌 Gala Darling Method opens soon! If you’re curious about deepening your tapping practice, get on the interest list https://galadarling.mykajabi.com/tappingcertification
🥳 Put your name on the waitlist for High Vibe Honey! highvibehoney.com
🎆 Leave a review of this podcast on iTunes and you’ll get my FREE tapping audio to help you become more orgasmic! (Yes, really!) Just take a screenshot before you submit your review, and email it to my babes: help@highvibehoney.com

Wednesday May 29, 2024
I’m Engaged At 40, And Here’s Why You CANNOT Give Up On Love!
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Welcome to Gala Loves Everything, the ultimate guide to becoming a spiritual bad bitch! Today I’m talking about WHY I got engaged at age 40, after years of denouncing marriage, both publicly and privately! 🙈 🙉 🙊
In this episode, I talk about…
💖 What makes this relationship WORK (and what ensured my other relationships NEVER did)
💖 Men, emotional regulation, and spiritual fuckboys
💖 How important it is to be optimistic about love
💖 Why people who don’t really love themselves can never really love you either...
💖 My beliefs about love as a 40 year old woman (and how they’ve changed since I was in my 20’s)
💖 Advice for you if you’ve been struggling, either single or partnered!
💖 Read our love story: https://galadarling.substack.com/p/how-i-fell-in-love-and-got-engaged
🥳 Put your name on the waitlist for High Vibe Honey! highvibehoney.com
🙌 If you’re curious about deepening your tapping practice, get on the Gala Darling Method interest list https://galadarling.mykajabi.com/tappingcertification
🎆 Leave a review of this podcast on iTunes and you’ll get my FREE tapping audio to help you become more orgasmic! (Yes, really!) Just take a screenshot before you submit your review, and email it to my babes: help@highvibehoney.com

Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Making Your First Million with Passion: My Journey to Success
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Hello gorgeous! 🌟 Welcome back to another episode of "Gala Loves Everything," where today we're diving into a celebration of my 17th business anniversary. Yes, 17 years of glitter, growth, and girl power! ✨
In this episode, I'm spilling all the tea on one of your burning questions: "When you made your first million, how did it feel and what changed?" But here's the twist - I didn't even notice it at first! That's right, my focus was so deeply rooted in serving, creating, and spreading joy that the financial milestone just breezed by.
🔮 Key Highlights:
The Joy of Business: Discover how focusing on passion, service, and creating magic for others can lead to success beyond your wildest dreams.
The Secret Sauce: Uncover why enthusiasm and a giving mindset are essential ingredients for a thriving empire.
Staying Motivated: Learn my personal insights on maintaining drive and passion through the highs and lows of entrepreneurship.
🎬 In This Episode:
First Million Feels: How I surpassed the million-dollar mark by being committed to helping people and creating something special (0:58).
The Art of Giving More: The importance of being generous and helpful in business, rather than just focusing on monetary gain (1:47).
Motivation & Clarity: Why knowing your 'why' is crucial for staying motivated and inspired, even during tough times (2:42).
Passion-Driven Success: How excitement and genuine passion are the true drivers of runaway business success (4:32).
Pivoting & Experimenting: Embracing change and iteration as key aspects of evolving and growing a business (7:38).
Consistent Income Secrets: Tips on finding your unique magic that provides unparalleled value to your audience (12:15).
🌈 Join me on this empowering journey as I dive deep into what makes a business not just successful, but soulfully satisfying. Whether you're dreaming of your first million, looking to create impactful change, or seeking ways to keep the creative fires burning, this episode is packed with insights, laughter, and a whole lot of Gala sparkle! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more inspiring content. Let's build a world where passion meets purpose and dreams take flight! 🚀
#GalaDarling #Entrepreneurship #PassionInBusiness #FirstMillion #BusinessAnniversary #Empowerment #Motivation #SuccessMindset #BusinessGrowth #WomenInBusiness
Sending you all the love and positive vibes. Until next time, keep shining bright! 💕💫 Bye for now! 🌟👋
💖 Want to find out what all the fuss is about?! Join us in High Vibe Honey: we tap as a collective every Sunday morning at 10am Pacific. You’ll also get instant access to over 300 pre-recorded tapping sessions, to help transform every piece of resistance, stuckness or smallness you’re experiencing! highvibehoney.com
📚 My books are such a fun way to get your mind right. *Radical Self-Love* is your ultimate guide to loving every single piece of you, and *Magnetic Mindset* will help you manifest anything your heart desires (yes, really!). amazon.com/stores/author/B00XSYZGEK/
🙌 If you’re curious about deepening your tapping practice, be sure to put your name on the Gala Darling Method interest list! https://galadarling.mykajabi.com/tappingcertification
📓 Finally, I write (somewhat obsessively) on Substack. I’d love to see you over there! substack.com/galadarling
Hello gorgeous! I’m Gala Darling, the Tapping Queen and a bestselling author. Born and raised in New Zealand — hence the accent — I moved to NYC with two suitcases and a dream when I was 24 years old. These days, I live in a glowing neon dreamhouse on the beach in Southern California, and it truly is paradise.
For almost two decades, I have been working in the self-development space, teaching women how to truly love themselves, celebrate every day, and explore infinite possibilities. Before I started this work, my life was a hot mess: I was depressed, I had an eating disorder, and I felt truly hopeless. After I healed myself using tapping, I became obsessed with the idea that what we think is a life sentence is actually just a story… And a story can be changed. My dream is for people to live beautiful, unique, and truly fulfilling lives, so I’ve been doing my best to get the word out! My TEDTalk has been viewed over a quarter of a million times. My first book, Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams (Hay House, 2016) became an instant bestseller at #1 in its category and has been translated into five languages. I've taught at NYU, been featured everywhere from Vogue to Forbes to the New York Times, and worked with celebrity clients like Rainn Wilson and the original Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso.
But I have to admit, my favorite thing of all is when I meet a woman on the street who has been inspired to totally transform their life because of my work. It’s an honor to play even a small role in your epic universe. Thanks for being here.

Thursday Dec 07, 2023
How To REALLY Shift Your Life: New Tools For The Busy And Overwhelmed
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
In this episode, I’ve pulled from some of my most recent 1:1 sessions where I noticed a lot of my students were struggling with the same things. We talk about how to really get things done (in a way that will actually change your life), how to (finally!) stop overworking, how to break a destructive habit that you just can’t shake, and how to figure out what your boundaries are... As well as communicate them with power and confidence.
And if all this talk has inspired you to charge into the new year feeling powerful, join us in 2024: Fabulous Future Self — it’s FREE! Just enter your info here: http://bit.ly/fabfutureself
💖 Want to find out what all the fuss is about?! Join us in High Vibe Honey: we tap as a collective every Sunday morning at 10am Pacific. You’ll also get instant access to over 300 pre-recorded tapping sessions, to help transform every piece of resistance, stuckness or smallness you’re experiencing! highvibehoney.com
🎬 YouTube is like my own TV channel, featuring free tapping sessions, interviews with healers and fascinating weirdos, personal vlogs, and so much more. youtube.com/@galadarling/
📚 My books are such a fun way to get your mind right. Radical Self-Love is your ultimate guide to loving every single piece of you, and Magnetic Mindset will help you manifest anything your heart desires (yes, really!). amazon.com/stores/author/B00XSYZGEK/
🙌 If you’re curious about deepening your tapping practice, be sure to put your name on the Gala Darling Method interest list https://galadarling.mykajabi.com/tappingcertification
📓 Finally, I write (somewhat obsessively) on Substack. I’d love to see you over there! substack.com/galadarling
Hello gorgeous! I’m Gala Darling, the Tapping Queen and a bestselling author. Born and raised in New Zealand — hence the accent — I moved to NYC with two suitcases and a dream when I was 24 years old. These days, I live in a glowing neon dreamhouse on the beach in Southern California, and it truly is paradise. For almost two decades, I have been working in the self-development space, teaching women how to truly love themselves, celebrate every day, and explore infinite possibilities. Before I started this work, my life was a hot mess: I was depressed, I had an eating disorder, and I felt truly hopeless. After I healed myself using tapping, I became obsessed with the idea that what we think is a life sentence is actually just a story… And a story can be changed.
My dream is for people to live beautiful, unique, and truly fulfilling lives, so I’ve been doing my best to get the word out! My TEDTalk has been viewed over a quarter of a million times. My first book, Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams (Hay House, 2016) became an instant bestseller at #1 in its category and has been translated into five languages. I've taught at NYU, been featured everywhere from Vogue to Forbes to the New York Times, and worked with celebrity clients like Rainn Wilson and the original Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso.
But I have to admit, my favorite thing of all is when I meet a woman on the street who has been inspired to totally transform their life because of my work. It’s an honor to play even a small role in your epic universe. Thanks for being here.

Sunday Nov 05, 2023
It’s A Whole Life Update!
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
OMG well... This year has been a portal to new possibilities. It feels like everything has shifted in my life in a very short period... And here's an update ALLLLLL about it. Is this what you expected me to tell you?! xo

Monday Oct 16, 2023
The Best 5 Things I’ve Ever Done For My Own Personal Growth
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
OMG I'm back from my unintentional hiatus and in this episode, I'm talking about the 5 best things I've ever done for my own personal growth. Specifically, I discuss a few things that have expedited my journey over the past year... 'Cause it was a big one, baby! I hope it inspires you to commit to making some big shifts of your own. I love you!
Instagram: http://instagram.com/galadarling
My latest book, Magnetic Mindset: https://amzn.to/42i3gLJ
High Vibe Honey: http://highvibehoney.com
All of my goodies: http://galadarling.com
I'm the EFT/Tapping and Manifestation Queen and a bestselling author. I'm a New Zealander, living in a glowing neon dreamhouse on the beach in Southern California. For the last fifteen years, I have been working in the self-development space, teaching women how to truly love themselves through EFT/tapping, books, and workshops. ...And we have a LOT of fun doing it! Before I started this work, my life was in shambles due to depression and an eating disorder. After I healed myself using tapping, I became obsessed with the idea that what we think is a life sentence is actually just a story.
Professional accolades? Okay. My TEDTalk has been viewed over a quarter of a million times (and it was my first time speaking in public!). My first book, Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams (Hay House, 2016) became an instant bestseller at #1 in its category and has been translated into five languages. I've taught at NYU, been featured everywhere from Vogue to the New York Times, and worked with celebrity clients like the original Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso. That's cool and everything, but for me, nothing compares to meeting a woman who has been inspired to totally transform their life because of my work. It’s literally my favorite thing on the planet.

Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
MICRODOSING HAS CHANGED MY LIFE! So I am deeply excited for you to hear this episode! I sat down with Kayse Gehret, my microdosing coach, to answer all your questions about psilocybin medicine practice. We cover things like...
- Where to get started with microdosing
- The perks, benefits and upsides of this practice
- How it can change the life of people suffering from PMDD!
- How to source your medicine
- Medical concerns like antidepressants, pregnancy and heart issues
- What to do if there's a history of mental illness in the family
- Why you might want to work with a coach or in a group
- Common fears and misconceptions about microdosing
- How to set intentions and create rituals around your practice
- And SO much more!
I think you will REALLY love this one.
You can find out more about what Kayse does at her site https://www.microdosingforhealing.com/ and on her Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kaysegehret/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/galadarling
My latest book, Magnetic Mindset: https://amzn.to/42i3gLJ
High Vibe Honey: http://highvibehoney.com
All of my goodies: http://galadarling.com
I'm the EFT/Tapping and Manifestation Queen and a bestselling author. I'm a New Zealander, living in a glowing neon dreamhouse on the beach in Southern California. For the last fifteen years, I have been working in the self-development space, teaching women how to truly love themselves through EFT/tapping, books, and workshops. ...And we have a LOT of fun doing it! Before I started this work, my life was in shambles due to depression and an eating disorder. After I healed myself using tapping, I became obsessed with the idea that what we think is a life sentence is actually just a story.
Professional accolades? Okay. My TEDTalk has been viewed over a quarter of a million times (and it was my first time speaking in public!). My first book, Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams (Hay House, 2016) became an instant bestseller at #1 in its category and has been translated into five languages. I've taught at NYU, been featured everywhere from Vogue to the New York Times, and worked with celebrity clients like the original Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso.
That's cool and everything, but for me, nothing compares to meeting a woman who has been inspired to totally transform their life because of my work. It’s literally my favorite thing on the planet.

Wednesday May 03, 2023
How To Be A Rich Bitch In 2023!
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
In this episode, I’m answering 10 frequently asked questions about how to step up your abundance vibe!
- How can I be more unapologetic about my desires?
- How do I deal with the fear of what haters or my family will say if I put myself out there?
- How many times do I have to tap to really shift an old belief?
- What are some actions that will get me into an abundant mindset and vibe?
- How do I overcome the belief that I have to suffer to earn money?
- What should I do if my course or product does zero sales?
- How do I find my BIG idea to bring in lots of money?
- How do I start healing my financial trauma?
- What advice do you have for artists and non-entrepreneurs?
- Is tapping really enough to heal my money stories?
Cash Money Honey 2 is available right now, and the earlybird price ends on FRIDAY at midday! Don’t miss this one, baby boo! http://bit.ly/cashmoneyhoney2
Instagram: http://instagram.com/galadarling
My latest book, Magnetic Mindset: https://amzn.to/42i3gLJ
The Vortex: http://bit.ly/iconicvortex
High Vibe Honey: http://highvibehoney.com
All of my goodies: http://galadarling.com
I'm the EFT/Tapping and Manifestation Queen and a bestselling author. I'm a New Zealander, living in a glowing neon dreamhouse on the beach in Southern California. For the last fifteen years, I have been working in the self-development space, teaching women how to truly love themselves through EFT/tapping, books, and workshops. ...And we have a LOT of fun doing it! Before I started this work, my life was in shambles due to depression and an eating disorder. After I healed myself using tapping, I became obsessed with the idea that what we think is a life sentence is actually just a story.
Professional accolades? Okay. My TEDTalk has been viewed over a quarter of a million times (and it was my first time speaking in public!). My first book, Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams (Hay House, 2016) became an instant bestseller at #1 in its category and has been translated into five languages. I've taught at NYU, been featured everywhere from Vogue to the New York Times, and worked with celebrity clients like the original Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso.
That's cool and everything, but for me, nothing compares to meeting a woman who has been inspired to totally transform their life because of my work. It’s literally my favorite thing on the planet.