Friday May 27, 2022
Want A Juicy Love Life? Here Are The Keys To The Castle...
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
If you want to be in a relationship that's THRIVING, not just surviving, it's essential to learn about polarity, honey! If you struggle with getting stuck in your head, people-pleasing, expressing (or even knowing!) your needs, and actually LOVING rather than MOTHERING your man, this episode is for you! And it's a doozy! I sat down with @pvssyflowers, aka Belle Soet, who teaches about masculine and feminine polarity, the inner work and emotional healing of relationships. Plus you'll find out, what is your REAL role to play in relationships? (I think you'll be thrilled by the answer!) Grab your pen, and let's get into this!
Check out Belle! http://instagram.com/pvssyflowers http://pvssyflowers.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/galadarling
High Vibe Honey: http://bit.ly/highvibehoney
I'm the EFT/Tapping and Manifestation Queen and a bestselling author. I'm a New Zealander, living in a glowing neon dreamhouse on the beach in Southern California. For the last fifteen years, I have been working in the self-development space, teaching women how to truly love themselves through EFT/tapping, books, and workshops. ...And we have a LOT of fun doing it! Before I started this work, my life was in shambles due to depression and an eating disorder. After I healed myself using tapping, I became obsessed with the idea that what we think is a life sentence is actually just a story.
Professional accolades? Okay. My TEDTalk has been viewed over a quarter of a million times (and it was my first time speaking in public!). My first book, Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams (Hay House, 2016) became an instant bestseller at #1 in its category and has been translated into five languages. I've taught at NYU, been featured everywhere from Vogue to the New York Times, and worked with celebrity clients like the original Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso.
That's cool and everything, but for me, nothing compares to meeting a woman who has been inspired to totally transform their life because of my work. It’s literally my favorite thing on the planet.
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Do you ever worry that your negative thoughts are going to manifest disaster in your life? In this episode, I tell you exactly what to do with your so-called negative thoughts and feelings. This is something I see SO MANY people get wrong -- and I used to get it wrong too! Don't worry: in the words of Mrs Doubtfire, "Help is on the way dear!"
Instagram: http://instagram.com/galadarling
High Vibe Honey: http://bit.ly/highvibehoney
I'm the EFT/Tapping and Manifestation Queen and a bestselling author. I'm a New Zealander, living in a glowing neon dreamhouse on the beach in Southern California. For the last fifteen years, I have been working in the self-development space, teaching women how to truly love themselves through EFT/tapping, books, and workshops. ...And we have a LOT of fun doing it! Before I started this work, my life was in shambles due to depression and an eating disorder. After I healed myself using tapping, I became obsessed with the idea that what we think is a life sentence is actually just a story.
Professional accolades? Okay. My TEDTalk has been viewed over a quarter of a million times (and it was my first time speaking in public!). My first book, Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams (Hay House, 2016) became an instant bestseller at #1 in its category and has been translated into five languages. I've taught at NYU, been featured everywhere from Vogue to the New York Times, and worked with celebrity clients like the original Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso.
That's cool and everything, but for me, nothing compares to meeting a woman who has been inspired to totally transform their life because of my work. It’s literally my favorite thing on the planet.
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Ah, But What If It All Works Out? How To Stop Panicking About Your Life
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
How would you move if you had absolute faith that everything was going to work out perfectly? An investigation into how we can slow down, feel safe, stop catastrophizing our lives, and truly BE HERE NOW. I hope it serves you!
💖 C o n n e c t
Instagram: http://instagram.com/galadarling
High Vibe Honey: http://bit.ly/highvibehoney
💖 A b o u t G a l a D a r l i n g
I'm the EFT/Tapping and Manifestation Queen and a bestselling author. I'm a New Zealander, living in a glowing neon dreamhouse on the beach in Southern California. For the last fifteen years, I have been working in the self-development space, teaching women how to truly love themselves through EFT/tapping, books, and workshops. ...And we have a LOT of fun doing it! Before I started this work, my life was in shambles due to depression and an eating disorder. After I healed myself using tapping, I became obsessed with the idea that what we think is a life sentence is actually just a story.
Professional accolades? Okay. My TEDTalk has been viewed over a quarter of a million times (and it was my first time speaking in public!). My first book, Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams (Hay House, 2016) became an instant bestseller at #1 in its category and has been translated into five languages. I've taught at NYU, been featured everywhere from Vogue to the New York Times, and worked with celebrity clients like the original Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso.
That's cool and everything, but for me, nothing compares to meeting a woman who has been inspired to totally transform their life because of my work. It’s literally my favorite thing on the planet.
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
How I cracked my internal armor so that I could actually FEEL... And the modalities I used to help me get there. From connecting to other dimensions during hypnosis, to Somatic Experiencing with a sweet grandma type, to breathwork that made me wriggle like a caterpillar... It was a big week! Want to create your own at-home healing retreat? Have a listen...
💖 C o n n e c t
Instagram: http://instagram.com/galadarling High Vibe Honey: http://bit.ly/highvibehoney
💖 A b o u t G a l a D a r l i n g
I'm the EFT/Tapping and Manifestation Queen and a bestselling author. I'm a New Zealander, living in a glowing neon dreamhouse on the beach in Southern California. For the last fifteen years, I have been working in the self-development space, teaching women how to truly love themselves through EFT/tapping, books, and workshops. ...And we have a LOT of fun doing it! Before I started this work, my life was in shambles due to depression and an eating disorder. After I healed myself using tapping, I became obsessed with the idea that what we think is a life sentence is actually just a story.
Professional accolades? Okay. My TEDTalk has been viewed over a quarter of a million times (and it was my first time speaking in public!). My first book, Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams (Hay House, 2016) became an instant bestseller at #1 in its category and has been translated into five languages. I've taught at NYU, been featured everywhere from Vogue to the New York Times, and worked with celebrity clients like the original Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso.
That's cool and everything, but for me, nothing compares to meeting a woman who has been inspired to totally transform their life because of my work. It’s literally my favorite thing on the planet.
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
If you learned to turn off, deny, or disavow your emotions at a young age, it's very likely you still do it today. And now, when someone hurts you, you turn away, withdraw, pretend you're fine, intellectualize it. But what guess what? IT'S NOT WORKING. It's time to turn to that person and say, "Ouch! That hurts my heart!"
In this episode, we'll get into WHY it matters that we do this... And all the many ways in which you are simply a cute little uncooked fudge brownie.
💖 C o n n e c t
Instagram: http://instagram.com/galadarling
High Vibe Honey: http://bit.ly/highvibehoney
💖 A b o u t G a l a D a r l i n g
I'm the EFT/Tapping and Manifestation Queen and a bestselling author. I'm a New Zealander, living in a glowing neon dreamhouse on the beach in Southern California. For the last fifteen years, I have been working in the self-development space, teaching women how to truly love themselves through EFT/tapping, books, and workshops. ...And we have a LOT of fun doing it! Before I started this work, my life was in shambles due to depression and an eating disorder. After I healed myself using tapping, I became obsessed with the idea that what we think is a life sentence is actually just a story.
Professional accolades? Okay. My TEDTalk has been viewed over a quarter of a million times (and it was my first time speaking in public!). My first book, Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams (Hay House, 2016) became an instant bestseller at #1 in its category and has been translated into five languages. I've taught at NYU, been featured everywhere from Vogue to the New York Times, and worked with celebrity clients like the original Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso.
That's cool and everything, but for me, nothing compares to meeting a woman who has been inspired to totally transform their life because of my work. It’s literally my favorite thing on the planet.
Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Inspired by the toxicity that is THE ULTIMATUM (on Netflix), here are 12 super-important love lessons that will absolutely save your relationship -- and your heart. We talk about marrying for money, people-pleasing, how to GET OUT of your head, and how to survive a fight/flight/freeze/fawn response. Seriously, this is essential listening!
💖 C o n n e c t
Instagram: http://instagram.com/galadarling
High Vibe Honey: http://bit.ly/highvibehoney
💖 A b o u t G a l a D a r l i n g
I'm the EFT/Tapping and Manifestation Queen and a bestselling author. I'm a New Zealander, living in a glowing neon dreamhouse on the beach in Southern California. For the last fifteen years, I have been working in the self-development space, teaching women how to truly love themselves through EFT/tapping, books, and workshops. ...And we have a LOT of fun doing it! Before I started this work, my life was in shambles due to depression and an eating disorder. After I healed myself using tapping, I became obsessed with the idea that what we think is a life sentence is actually just a story.
Professional accolades? Okay. My TEDTalk has been viewed over a quarter of a million times (and it was my first time speaking in public!). My first book, Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams (Hay House, 2016) became an instant bestseller at #1 in its category and has been translated into five languages. I've taught at NYU, been featured everywhere from Vogue to the New York Times, and worked with celebrity clients like the original Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso.
That's cool and everything, but for me, nothing compares to meeting a woman who has been inspired to totally transform their life because of my work. It’s literally my favorite thing on the planet.
Monday Apr 04, 2022
You Have The Power To Create The Relationship Of Your Dreams!
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Are you waiting around for your relationship to magically transform? Side-eyeing your partner, hoping they wake up to the idea that you want more romance, magic, passion and adventure?! Okay, guess what: YOU are actually the one in control! You're a magician and you can manifest your dream relationship right now! In this episode, we'll discuss how YOU get to set the tone of your relationship... And a brand new relationship becomes immediately available when you're willing to do something new!
💖 C o n n e c t
Instagram: http://instagram.com/galadarling
High Vibe Honey: http://bit.ly/highvibehoney
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT84ANHs5N3eGWPAX2Sg8ZA
Friday Mar 11, 2022
How To Create A Goddess Temple (Aka The Perfect Sex Palace!)
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Most bedrooms have no vibe to speak of. They’re flat with no warmth, or they’re messy and anxiety-inducing. JUST SAY NO. Your bedroom should be your GODDESS TEMPLE, your SEX PALACE, or as a gentleman caller once called mine, “a strip club on the Moon.” Here's exactly how to do it! So do it! And send me photos! xo
Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/galadarling
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Could you speed up your manifestations by getting a tattoo or some custom jewelry, by using your Apple Watch, or from talking to other people? YES HONEY, YOU COULD! In this episode, we're discussing some hot new manifestation tips that I'm using to GREAT success -- let me know how they work for you! xo
Follow me on Instagram! http://instagram.com/galadarling
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Feeling tight? Tired? Keep attracting partners with no ambition? Living in your head? Turned off your feelings because they're "inconvenient"? Oh honey, I GOT YOU and I hear you! In this episode, we're discussing the signs that you've disconnected from your delicious feminine essence, and exactly what to do about it.
My brand new book, The Venus Codes, is available now! http://bit.ly/venuscodes